- 王国栋 中国工程院院士
- 翁宇庆 中国工程院院士
- 林建国 教授 英国皇家工程院院士
- Peter Hodgson 教授 澳大利亚工程院院士
- 马鸣图 博士 中国汽车工程研究院
- 董瀚 博士 钢铁研究总院
- 张宜生 教授 华中科技大学
- 单忠德 教授 机械科学研究总院
- 王昭东 教授 东北大学
- 胡平 教授 大连理工大学
- 华林 教授 武汉理工大学
- 叶仲超 博士 武钢研究院
Professor Jianguo Lin, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), is a TATA Steel and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair and Head of Mechanics of Materials Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK. He is the Director of AVIC Centre for structural design and manufacture, Director of AVIC Centre for materials characterisation, processing and modelling, Director of CALT Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory.
Professor Lin's research expertise is in Materials and Process modelling, Solid/Computational Mechanics, which includes micro-mechanics modelling, and its application in creep-damage, cyclic-plasticity-damage, viscoplasticity and advanced materials processing technologies.
He joined Imperial College from the University of Birmingham in 2008 and established a Metal-forming and Materials Modelling Group at Imperial. The Group has an international reputation in developing new metal forming processes, multiscale materials and process modelling. Specifically, the Group have patented new hot stamping processes for Steel and Aluminium. He is a Founder and the Director of Impression Technologies Ltd (a Spin-off company of Imperial College), which is resulted from one of his patented techniques on hot stamping of high strength aluminium alloys.
Professor Hodgson spent 16 years in the BHP Research Laboratories before joining Deakin University in 1996. Prior to joining Deakin his main areas of research were thermomechanical processing of steels, microstructure modelling and new alloy and process developments. Since joining Deakin his research has broadened to include sheet metal forming, the forming and post forming behaviour of advanced high strength steels, nanostructured metals, biomaterials and surface engineering. He has over 700 research publications and has presented more than 50 keynote lectures at international conferences related to the physical metallurgy and modelling of steels. In 2004 Professor Hodgson was made one of the inaugural Alfred Deakin Professors and also awarded a Federation Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. He received a Doctoris Honoris Causa from the University of Valenciennes in France for contributions to metal forming in 2005 and a Faculty Medal from AGH Poland in 2006 for contributions to Materials Science.
In June 2009 Professor Hodgson was awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship, for research related to sustainable metal production and transport systems. He has established a large number of international research collaborations and partnerships. In particular, he established DIRI – the Deakin India Research Initiative to provide Doctoral programs in country (India) and then the Deakin – TERI Institute for Nano-Biotechnology in Dehli. This international engagement broadened in 2011 when he was made a Distinguished Professor of the Wuhan University for Science and Technology in China and subsequently a 100 Talent of the Hubei province and a 1000 talent of the central government of China. His current focus is in developing major strategic research partnerships for Deakin with academia and industry.